Astute Marketing Services Ltd uses legitimate interest as the legal basis for data processing under GDPR.

We only hold UK Business to Business data and the personal data we process is restricted to data subject’s name, business address, business email, business phone number, and in some cases mobile phone number.

We only hold personal data on IT professionals and individuals that make management decisions or finance roles who have influence in the IT decision making process. We will keep the data for as long as we believe it is accurate and up to date unless we are asked not to.

By constant researching of organisations IT infrastructure and their IT Decision Makers primarily through tele-verification we ensure that we maintain a high level of accuracy within our data. This researching will either be with individual decision makers, their colleagues, at company reception or from the company’s website or internet sites.

We have given data subjects the opportunity to review or update the information that we hold on them and we have an ongoing programme in place to invite data subjects to update their preferences. There is also a link directly to our contact preference centre on our website.

We may make the data available to third parties organisations who wish to promote their IT products and services through direct marketing to a segmented audience that is professionally relevant to the products and services that are being direct marketed. During this activity, your data may be transferred outside the EU and UK. Each of these organisations should give data subjects the option to unsubscribe from their marketing activities individually, and this is written into our licence agreement.

Before any data is supplied to a third party it is checked against the Corporate Telephone Preference Service and any matched are removed.

If you require any further information, please write to us at Data Protection Officer, Astute Marketing Services Ltd, 25 Oxford Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EY. You have the right to complain to the UK data regulator, the Information Commissioners Office.